‘The Moments Tender’
"Home" comprises three intricately crafted photograms, born from my heartfelt endeavour to infuse life into light and capture the scenic landscapes of my home, now eternally cherished in London.
The Photographers’ Gallery
as group of cohort we created a photo book “North/South” in
response to Picturing High Streets, which was a brief by
The Historic England Archive and Photoworks. Two of my
images were selected for the Historic England Archive and
projected at the SOHO Photography Quarter
response to Picturing High Streets, which was a brief by
The Historic England Archive and Photoworks. Two of my
images were selected for the Historic England Archive and
projected at the SOHO Photography Quarter
LCB Depot, Leicester
Throughout March, the LCB creative programme as a part of
FORMAT festival showcased photography and moving image, with
exhibitions, talks and workshops, and creative family activities.
FORMAT festival showcased photography and moving image, with
exhibitions, talks and workshops, and creative family activities.
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